A Letter from Our President- October

Welcome back.  I hope that everyone has had a restful summer and a smooth start to the school year.  This is a unique year for the SHTA in that for the first time in recent memory we are not currently in negotiations of any kind.  We have a settled contract as well as a settled APPR.  This will hopefully give me more opportunities to visit the various buildings and have one on one conversations with members in order to hear directly what issues and topics are on your mind.

One item that seems to be on nearly everyone’s mind at this time is that of politics.  The national election has raised very strong feelings and passions for most Americans.  I definitely have my personal political leanings but all that I will say in regards to the election is that it is my hope that every SHTA member exercises his or her right to vote on November 8.  Voting is the foundation of our democracy and a right that many around the world do not enjoy.

On the political front there is a state issue that you will soon begin to hear discussed more and more frequently, that of a possible New York State Constitutional Convention.  This item will be on next year’s ballot and is especially important to us as teachers.  In the interior of our newsletter you will find a strong and detailed case for casting a “no” vote on this important question.  I will not waste your time by repeating the reasons but will summarize with one issue… our retirement system.  

At the present time our NYSTRS pensions are guaranteed by the NYS Constitution.  NYS teachers currently have one of the strongest pension systems in the country.  A constitutional convention jeopardizes your future pension earnings.  A constitutional convention has the potential to change, reduce or eliminate teacher pensions for those that have already retired as well as those that hope to retire comfortably in the future.  I urge you to begin the conversation now and to start the process of lobbying your friends and relatives to vote “no” on this important ballot issue.

In solidarity,
